Holistic Solutions
We offer a variety of solutions that will help you create a healthier more fulfilling life.
8 weeks to Wellness:
• Identify and develop a healthy lifestyle • Learn to make better food choices
• Understand movement as medicine • Recognize and avoid dependencies
• Learn and implement effective coping skills
12 in 2 Challenge:
• Designed to kickstart your wellness journey • Weekly check in
• Tailored meal and exercise plan
Meal & Pantry Evaluation:
• Learn best practices for healthy eating • Identifying pitfalls and overcoming weaknesses
• Keeping on budget

Private Coaching
Your health is your most valuable possession. Yet trying to navigate the sometimes conflicting data out there can be daunting. You are an individual; let me help you develop a program that will work for you. Book a 30-minute free consultation to start your journey

Corporate Wellness Seminars
Lunch & Learn:
For every $1 invested in preventing stress and injuries in the work place, companies save an average of $3.40. That’s more than 300% return on your investment (source: Stats Canada)
We will design Health and Wellness seminars targeting key hot topics that may help your employees to stay healthy and active. Some topics may include:
• Managing Stress
• Movement is medicine
• Eating for energy
• Developing a healthy lifestyle
Presentations run 20-30 minutes and always include printed materials and other incentives. This is a small investment in your company’s most valuable assets: its people